The programme will run over four stages:
Expression of Interest
Cultural organisations, community organisations and students can register their interest using our light-touch form. The Expressions of Interest will be reviewed by the project team against a set of criteria.
The deadline to register is 16 May 2025, at 10am.
For cultural and community organisations
We will prioritise Expressions of Interest from cultural and community organisations who meet the eligibility criteria set out in the ‘Who can participate’ section and:
– Who are led by or serving communities historically excluded from accessing and securing space, including: Black, Asian and minority ethnic, children and young people, Deaf people, people with disabilities, people with LGBTQ+ identities, low-income groups, older people and women-led groups
– Who are located in areas of London where there is a lack of, and demonstrated need for, this type of cultural or community space
– Where the nature and the urgency of the ask can be meaningfully addressed through the programme.
For this year’s ‘Poster Edition’ we will prioritise applications from organisations who can demonstrate a requirement for a local poster campaign.
For design students
We will aim to assign you a brief that best matches your subject area and skills. We will prioritise Expressions of Interest from design students who meet the eligibility criteria set out in the ‘Who can participate’ section and:
– Who can demonstrate a skill to deliver a project independently
– Whose portfolio matches the brief
– Who come from a background historically underrepresented in the design industry, including: Black, Asian and minority ethnic, Deaf people, people with disabilities, women, people with LGBTQ+ identities, low-income groups.
For this year’s ‘Poster Edition’ we will prioritise students who can demonstrate to have skills in creating design for print, typography, photography and / or illustration. An understanding of challenges facing London’s grassroots community and cultural organisations would be an advantage.
Please note that we will only be able to accommodate a small number of applications for this round of the programme.
We will announce all participants by 23 May 2025.
Communications Strategy
The shortlisted cultural and community organisations will be invited to a 30 minute 1:1 session with the project consultants. In this session we will discuss existing communications by the organisations, and collectively establish a brief for the student.
As preparatory work for the summer school the student will be asked to carry out thorough research of the field of communications by non-profit organisations, and produce a bespoke in-depth design and communications analysis and strategy for the organisation they’ve been paired with.
Students will get paid London Living Wage for this stage.
We will arrange a video-call consultation with you between 28 May and 4 June 2025.
Summer School
The Summer School is a 1-week design workshop where students build on the research produced in the preparatory stage and develop a design for a bespoke poster for the organisation, under the supervision of the project consultants. On the last day the designs will be handed over to the organisations in PDF format. After the School the posters will be either displayed digitally on exterior screens or on advertising space around their area of operation for a duration of approximately one month.
During the Summer School we will also host lectures, open to students and participating organisations, covering social media and creative writing.
The Summer School is free of charge to all participants.
The Summer School will take place during one week between 23 June and 11 July, to be confirmed.